Saturday, June 16, 2007

The Yiddish Policemen's Union by Michael Chabon

This will probably make me look stupid, but, oh well. I know Chabon won the Pulitzer and he's supposed to be great. But I didn't get past the 2nd CD of this 10 CD audiobook.

First of all, I disliked the narrator, Peter Riegert. To understand him, I had to fiddle with the bass and treble and I shouldn't have to do that.

Secondly, while I understand the whole genre of alternate history, I don't like it. I'm sorry. Maybe someone could recommend a good one for me to read, because I haven't read one yet that I liked.

In this one, after WWII, Israelis relocate to Alaska, which was FDR's original suggestion. I didn't know about that, but I read it in a review. So in "Jew-laska" (the author's word, not mine), a murder is committed and the Yiddish police officer has to solve the crime. The dead guy is a chess master. Really, that's about as far as I got. Sorry. If this sounds like a good book to you, then read it! But I won't. I have tons of books I need to read this summer, and I'm moving on!

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