Thursday, June 5, 2008

Submarine by Joe Dunthorne

Yay! I love summer when I can read a book a day!

This adult novel was interesting. Take out a few of the "adult" moments and it would have made a great young adult novel. It reminded me of King Dork, Finding Lubchenko, and Bottled Up. The young boy is 14 and has quite the mind on him. He's a smart alack and is convinced the world revolves around him. He monitors his parents' sex life and then tries to get them back together when he feels their marriage is in trouble. He dates Jordana, and has one of the strangest relationships ever with her.

And somehow that's it. Most of the book is told through Oliver Tate's dairy (not a log) and his own version of events. Oliver sees things in a strange way. As I was reading it, I tried to place a finger on this kid--attention deficit? genius? or just selfish brat who needs to grow up? It's hard to decide whether I liked the book simply because it's hard to like Oliver. But I'm glad I read it.

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