Thursday, February 11, 2010

Everafter by Amy Huntley

I'm working my way through the 2010 Award winners and this young adult novel was shortlisted for the Morris Award for debut authors. I must say though that it isn't my cup of tea. Like The Lovely Bones, the main character is looking back at her life after her death. Madison isn't sure where she is (dead? hovering somewhere? Is? Everywhere?) but she does know that objects keep appearing that have lost. So perhaps her job is to figure out what objects were lost in her life and how to find them again? And so she relives moments in her past where things were lost and then found. In doing so, her present/future changes, as does those around her. The stories are a bit convoluted to me and I found myself rolling my eyes at the Emily Dickinson references and philosophizing. Maybe I'm not emotional enough to read this one? I did want to figure out how she died though, so I was glad the author wrapped up the story at the end.

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