Monday, May 31, 2010

Never Slow Dance with A Zombie by E. Van Lowe

Sometimes I feel like I wasted two hours of my life reading a book. And, um, this is one of those. For Popular Paperbacks, I'm on the Zombie/Werewolf/Things with Wings committee, and I'm started to really mourn the lack of "good" writing and zombies. Come on, writers! If you're going to go with zombies, can't you make it awesome? Toby Barlow made werewolves awesome a few years ago with Sharp Teeth. Scott Westerfeld and M.T. Anderson made vampires awesome with Peeps and Thirsty.

Pet Peeve #1. The main character Margot is shallow, annoying, a backstabber, and desperate to be popular, even if the popular kids are zombies. Geesh. The obsession with cliques is a bit overwhelming.

Pet Peeve #2-#5. The plot doesn't work. The dialogue is stilted. The characters are untouchable. The addition of zombies decreases the book value.

Best two things about the book? The title and cover. Those are pretty cool. Unfortunately, they will trick teens in bookstores. I can't see many kids liking this book much--it's not even good fluffy reading.

And woe to the next zombie book I pick up, because it's going to need to kick some ass for me to blog nice about zombies. I've about had enough.

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