Sunday, August 15, 2010

Twelve Rooms with a View by Theresa Rebeck

I was really looking forward to reading the second adult novel by the Alex Award winning author of Three Girls and their Brother. And I wasn't disappointed! Tina is thrust into a huge outdated apartment overlooking Central Park in New York City when her mother suddenly dies. Tina has always been the outcast of the family--she's beautiful but chooses horrible men to date. She doesn't get along very well with her siblings either. One sister is too bossy and commanding while the other sister is a pushover. But mom is dead and the sisters must try to take over the millions-worth apartment and put it on the market. Tina, who didn't have a place to stay anyway, agrees to live in the apartment while her mother's estate is being contested. The problem is that her mother died three weeks after her step-father died. He had a will leaving everything to her mother. Her mother didn't have a will. But the two deceased people were such social recluses that no one really knows what was going on, but EVERYONE wants the awesome apartment!

Things wrapped up a little too nicely in the end, but I didn't care. I liked the voice of Tina and the interesting characters who lived in the apartment building.

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