Monday, December 5, 2011

The Peach Keeper by Sarah Addison Allen, Read by Karen White

Years ago, I read this author's Garden Spells and Sugar Queen and knew I wanted to listen to her latest. Her books are usually whimsical chick lit, and that is just what I was in the mood for. I was a tad bit disappointed because this adult novel fell into the kinda cheesy chick lit category.  The dialogue between the characters made me roll my eyes when they were confessing their love for each other.  I also didn't understand why Willa being a practical joker in high school was such a big deal--it didn't add anything to the plot or character development.  Other than those two things, I enjoyed the story.

Willa and Paxton are thrown together because their grandmothers were founding members of a society club formed in the 1930's.  Now it's the 75th anniversary of the club and Paxton is trying to plan the perfect gala. But a dead body is found buried in the yard of the manor and this causes trouble.  A mystery that has been kept silent between the grandmothers comes to light--drawing Paxton and Willa together.  Of course, they both fall in love (enter the cheesiness), although the idea that Paxton loves a man she thinks is gay, but really isn't, was a little entertaining.  Haven't read that in a novel before!

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