Friday, April 5, 2013

Unwind by Neal Shusterman. Performed by Luke Daniels.

I was pleasantly surprised that I loved this audiobook, even though the Admiral sounds just like Sean Connery....

The worldbuilding is what makes this book unique. This dystopia is scary--parents have the option of "unwinding" their children if they want to. In other words, they can give them away and let the government re-use their kids' body parts for transplants. Just don't call "unwinding" killing, because the kids are still alive in other people! Isn't it fantastic?

Shusterman took the pro-life/pro-choice debate to a whole other level. Abortion isn't legal, but storking is. If a woman doesn't want a baby, she can legally drop it on ANYBODY's doorstep and the people HAVE to raise the child. So some people are "storked" with extra kids that they don't want. Gee, guess who will get unwound when they are old enough?

I like these kids of cautionary tales.  Watch out, extremists! You keep going and you might create a world like Shusterman did....

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