Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Red Rising by Pierce Brown

Did you love The Hunger Games but wish it were more violent? Then this adult dystopia is for you!

Darrow is a Red, a group of people who work hard mining in order to prepare Mars for human civilization.  He started at age 13, like everyone else, and he's worked his way up to helldiver--he's brave, strong, and sometimes a little crazy with the drill he runs.

After his young wife is murdered, Darrow learns that Mars is already populated by scores of higher castes who want to keep the Reds in the dark.  Darrow wants to make the Golds suffer for taking his Eo from him, and he is reborn with the help of some scientists and sculptors.  In disguise as a Gold, Darrow must score high in the tests to determine his capabilities.  Remember the tests in Divergent? And the fights between districts in The Hunger Games? And the government who rules everything in The Maze Runner? And the houses in Percy Jackson and the Olympians?  And the bodies that are created in Pure? All that is here.  So I felt like I was reading a mishmash of other dark science fiction books thrown together in short sentences, but it worked.  There were times when Darrow's mind worked faster than mine and I was surprised with the plot twists.  I'm adding Book Two to my To Read list--Golden Son is supposed to be out on January 15, 2015.

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