Saturday, February 27, 2016

Review: Revenge and the Wild

Revenge and the Wild Revenge and the Wild by Michelle Modesto
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

So much promise in this debut--I'm already looking forward to her next book.

But....oh, the stereotypes. I can't wait to see what Debbie Reese says about it. I noticed sentences like this: "Bena rode with a swayed back, her eyes scanning the forest around her, stoic like the braves of her tribe." Sigh. I shouldn't sigh with disappointment when I read a modern YA book. These types of sentences don't belong.

There were so many things going on this novel--paranormal elements, leprechauns, cannibalism (sweet!), trolls, too. And sometimes we got a whole backstory that we didn't need to know about.

I enjoyed Westie, but I didn't appreciate the blushing and fainting. The sex made this book for older YAs, but it was well done. I loved the steampunk elements and the alternate setting. See? So much of this book that I liked, but those stereotypes....

I appreciated the design of the book, too--bloodsplatter rules!

View all my reviews

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