Monday, July 2, 2007

How to Teach Filthy Rich Girls by Zoey Dean

I have to admit I'm a closet A-List fan. So I was anxious to read this ARC that I picked up at the ALA conference. I sped through it in one night and it's an easy chick lit read, but nothing to get excited about.

Megan Smith wants to be a serious writer but after graduating from Yale ends up at Scoop magazine, writing about Jessica Simpson's new hair-do. Her boss knows she isn't where she wants to be, and offers her a position as a teacher to two rich twins in Palm Beach for 8 weeks. She has to get the girls into Duke and that means getting a decent score on the SAT. Basically, Megan is a Cinderella girl when the gay guy fixes her up with Chanel and Gucci and she even falls for the sexy guy next door. Because it's chick lit, everything works out in the end.

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