Monday, March 10, 2008

The Crazy School by Cornelia Read

I interlibrary loaned this adult novel and it kept me entertained. Madeline (I love that name) takes a job as a teacher at a crazy school. It's for kids just out of prison or for those kids who need one last chance. It's expensive, and parents who don't care or just don't know what else to do dump their kids there. The leader is crazy, too. He has a helicopter that he's learning to fly and believes in cruel methods of "treatment." He spies on everyone--even his own teachers. And we learn later that he has a dirty little secret, too. Madeline is recovering from a scare in her own past and helping the kids is helping her. But soon she doesn't know who to trust when two of her students supposedly commit suicide. Madeline is the prime suspect, but she knows she didn't do it, even though she hallucinated and vomited incessantly the night of the murder. And so here goes the mystery. Of course, everything works out in the end, just like every satisfying mystery.

This read was entertaining, but I'm not sure what I'll remember the plot if you ask me about it. The title will help me at least.

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