Monday, February 9, 2009

Black and White by Paul Volponi

I figured I needed to read this quick little YA sports book to see if I could recommend it to teens. I actually read it years ago, but didn't blog about it so I completely forgot about it until I was about halfway through.

Marcus and Eddie are best friends, known as "Black" and "White" because of the color of their skin. They're both star basketball players for an inner city team and both plan on playing Div I in college. But when money is tight, they decide to use Eddie's grandfather's gun to scare up some funds. Why not hold up a few people to raise the money they need for Senior dues and new basketball shoes? So they do. But the gun goes off, a man is hurt, and witnesses recognize them. But the race card is far from over in this quick little book. Marcus is recognized, Eddie isn't. And the justice system takes it from there.

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