Friday, March 11, 2011

Whitethorn Woods by Maeve Binchy, Narrated by Jenny Sterlin

I'm a fan of Binchy audiobooks, mainly because I'm a fan of Irish accents. I wasn't disappointed, although I think the abridged version may have confused me a bit. Sometimes I had no idea who was talking--in a book I would have flipped back to the chapter title to see. Unfortunately, that isn't possible when listening to a book.

A road is being planned to run through Whitethorn Woods, and the town is in an uproar because of a shrine to St. Anne that would have to be removed. Through different narrations, tales of visit to the shrine are told. Of course, as in most Binchy novels, the tales intertwine a bit so there is a complete story of townspeople who have been affected by the shrine. Was it great? No. But it was what I expected and it, again, made me want to fly to Dublin.

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