Thursday, October 4, 2007

My Side of the Story by Will Davis

This adult novel is Holden Caulfield-ish, just like the quote on the cover from Kirkus Reviews. But I won't be buying it for our high school. I really, really liked the cover art on this original paperback though. But, like a modern day Holden, the narrator cusses. A lot. And he's gay. So I don't think PHS is quite ready to have this book on its shelves.

The narrator, Jazz, is 16 and has a holy-roller sister. His parents just found out that he's gay because his sister told them that Jazz frequents the gay bar in town. His parents make him see a shrink. His best friend, Al (short for Alice) keeps getting him into trouble. To top it all off, Jazz runs into one of his teachers at the gay bar. Ewwww.

The narrator's voice was refreshing at first but got annoying about halfway through the novel. I was getting anything new out of the book. Thus the low rating.

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