Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Girls' Guide to Hunting and Fishing by Melissa Bank

Every once in awhile I read a book and think, "If I could write, this is the book I would write."  And this is an example of something I wish could come out of my brain.  I really connected with the main character and, at times, it felt like this novel was my memoir.  Except my life isn't this exciting and I'm not that good at witty banter. And I haven't found my Robert.

Jane is trying to find love, but she isn't that good at it.  Is her brother, with his endless supply of beautiful women that he brings to every family vacation? Does she love her first boyfriend Jamie, of which she says, "It scares me how fast I go from disliking to loving him, and I wonder if it's this way for everyone." When she meets an older man everyone respects, does she love him? or does she just need his approval?

Best lines of the book?

He told me I didn't know what real happiness was. "You have to shrink yourself to fit into this little life with him."

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