Saturday, May 24, 2008

Map of Ireland by Stephanie Grant

Hmmmm. Sometimes you read a book and then you're not quite sure what you think of it. I know I really liked this adult novel. And it sure tackles a lot of issues in its little package. Ann is an Irish girl growing up in the Boston slums in 1974. The schools just started busing and now there are blacks invading her basketball team, her faculty, and her mind. Ann is a lesbian, we learn that at the beginning, and she has quite the crush on her African French teacher. And then Rochelle, one of the new black girls on the team, actually starts passing her the ball on the court. And the team wins. But the novel is really about race. And being a white girl in a black world. And having black girls in a white school. And what it means that Ann considers everything black and white.

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